What subjects are studied and how

Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering

The subjects covered include facilities for the production, transport and distribution of electrical energy, such as power plants, power grids and industrial electrical systems. High-voltage technology, economic evaluation of electrical energy and lighting technology are also covered. A lot of space is devoted to electrical machines (generators and motors) and to static converters used, for example, for the conversion from alternating to direct current and vice versa. This includes electric drives, electric automation and electric rail and road vehicles. Students will be able to study in depth topics related to innovative power generation devices and systems (photovoltaic generators, wind power, etc.), electrical energy storage, nuclear fusion energy, industrial and medical electrothermal applications and electrical nanotechnologies. Finally, the course covers transversal disciplines such as automatic controls, electrical measurements, methods of analysis, synthesis and computer-aided design of complex electromagnetic systems and devices, and in-depth studies of the relationship between technology and society.

Verify here the required competences in order to apply for the master’s degree course.

Subject areas

The master’s degree programme in Electrical Engineering is divided into two subject areas:

  • Machines and drives for industry and mobility
  • Green technologies and energy infrastructures

There are four mandatory subjects for all students (36 CFU in total), two subjects for each area (18 CFU in total). The student can select among a wide range of free-choice subjects for a total 15 CFU to complete the study plan, many of which involve design, experimentation and analysis activities in teaching and research laboratories.


The entire degree course is delivered in English, as part of a programme to internationalise the teaching offering that aims to give students the opportunity to prepare themselves to operate competitively in the international market. The flexibility in the configuration of the course of study with the many options for choosing the various courses, together with the possibility of including free-choice courses for 15 credits in the study plan, allows each student to customise his or her own study curriculum.

Students are encouraged to carry out part of their study curriculum abroad as part of international cooperation programmes such as the European Erasmus and Time programmes and bilateral agreements such as that with Boston University, Guangzhou University, the University of Tokyo, etc., in order to acquire knowledge of the study methods and content of highly qualified foreign universities, but also to familiarise themselves with an international context of study and life with a view to a more qualified job placement.

Presentation OPEN DAY

Detailed list of SUBJECTS