Occupational perspectives

The main employment opportunities of the Master degree are those of innovation and development in production, advanced design, planning and programming, management of complex processes (both as a freelance professional and in production or service companies), in institutions and public administrations. Employment perspectives are excellent (look at the numbers), also thanks to the continuous interaction with the industrial world and the presence of an industrial Advisory Board.

Master Degree in Chemical and process Engineering

These are just some of the skills of a chemical and process engineer graduated at the University of Padova.
– He/She is directly involved in research and development, where (in collaboration with chemists, biologists, pharmaceutical technologists, materials engineers) he contributes to the final formulation of the product and defines the industrial production methods.
– He/She is the leading figure in the subsequent development and design stages of the production process.
– Using software and mathematical models, he/she designs the reactors (or bioreactors) necessary for the transformation of raw materials into the product of interest; he defines their typology and size, establishing the operating conditions (temperature, pressure, reagents and solvents) necessary to ensure large-scale production that is economically viable and environmentally sustainable.
– Thanks to the knowledge of the physico-chemical phenomena that are at the basis of the transport of matter and energy, he/she designs the processes and equipment for separation and refinement which are necessary to recover and recycle unreacted raw materials, to obtain a high quality product and to minimize the possible emissions of pollutants.
– He/She optimizes the entire production process in order to achieve maximum energy efficiency, designing the equipment necessary for heat exchange and energy integration between all sections of the system.
– He/She provides for industrial risk analysis and selects the technologies and procedures necessary to ensure safety in the designed plant.
– He /She manages the construction of the plant (in collaboration with the mechanical, structural and electrical engineers) and its start-up.
– He/She is responsible for the automatic management of the entire production process, ensuring its quality and safety.
– He/She is directly responsible for the production phase.
– He/She takes care of the design and management of polluting effluent treatment plants.
– He/She takes care of equipment maintenance and continuous process optimization to adapt production to market demands, lower costs and increase environmental sustainability.
Analyzes the production costs and profitability of the entire production process. The chemical engineer carries out all these professional roles both within production companies (chemical and petrochemical, pharmaceutical, food, materials, energy, etc.), and in service companies (design and construction, environment and safety, etc…), and as a freelancer. Graduated students of this course can also compete for admission to the PhD in Industrial Engineering.

found a job

Adequacy of the academic formation

scientific and highly-specialized profession

Almalaurea, anno di indagine: 2020, anni dalla laurea: 3, Ateneo: Padova, Dipartimento: Ingegneria industriale – DII (Dip.)