First cycle degree
The first cycle degree in Chemical and Materials Engineering provides for a single education course; education specifically addressed to the chemistry and materials sectors, however, is divided into two distinct orientations.
The Chemical orientation emphasizes the transformations that modify substances on a molecular scale (mainly chemical reactions and separations), exploring them through the fundamental chemical-physical mechanisms, up to the industrial scale of production processes. This first level course aims at providing the general tools for understanding chemical and physical phenomena and their transposition in the design and management phases of industrial processes.
The Materials orientation aims at the training of an engineer who possesses adequate competence not only for choosing and fabricating materials suitable for particular conditions of use, but also for developing new materials or combinations of materials, andfor redefining and extending application sectors compared to traditional ones.
Occupational opportunities
The degree has a predominantly educational nature and therefore it is assumed that the student completes his education with a second cycle degree. However, professional opportunities are possible even without a the second cycle degree, and include the raw material transformation industries, energy transformation, entities operating in the solid, liquid and gaseous waste treatment sector. In each case, the graduate will have the tools to rapidly acquire the specific technical skills required by the chosen profession.

From the first to the second cycle degree
The first cycle degree allows the graduate to meet the requirements for access to the related second cycle degrees (Chemical and Process Engineering and Materials Engineering), which are designed to be complementary to the two orientations of the Course. Alternatively, the education can be completed in other pertinent second cycle degrees (for example Energy Engineering), with prior integration of access requirements by the relative teaching regulations and according to the specific admission notices.