What it is
The Doctoral Degree constitutes the third level of university education, following the master degree. It leads to the title of Ph.D. (Philosophiae Doctor). The aim of the Doctoral Degree is to prepare for scientific and technological research by providing the skills necessary to exert high-quality activities in companies, research centres, universities, and public and private entities.
What we offer
The Doctoral Program in Industrial Engineering offers a stimulating and modern Ph.D. programme for a comprehensive education in the fields of Industrial Engineering. Students choose their field of interest under the direct supervision of one or more of the Faculty members.
The Course is articulated in 5 main areas (curricula), offering state-of-the art working conditions in a challenging environment for talented researchers in one of the best academic research institutions in Italy.

Chemical and Enviromental Engineering
click here
Electrical Engineering
click here
Energy Engineering
click here
Material Engineering
click here
Mechanical Engineering
click hereAdmission to the 40th cohort
The call for the 40th cycle will open on April 8th and close on May 13rd.
The evaluation committee will publish the outcome of the evaluation of qualifications and the schedule of oral exams (28/05/2024 – 20/06/2024)
The doctoral program will start on the 1st of November 2025.
Go to the admission page
Useful links

is a MSCA-COFUND Doctoral Programme at the University of Padua offering 50 fellowships (36-month long) to transnational Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) choosing to come to Italy to pursue their PhD studies, in all scientific areas.
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Call for admission to the PhD Courses
The call for application for PhD position at the University of Padova will open soon! Stay tuned!
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Curricula contact persons
For general information, please contact the secretariat (dottorato.dii@unipd.it). For specific information, please refer to the contact person of your curriculum.
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