Paolo Colombo
Additive manufacturing of ceramics. Geopolymers. Polymer-Derived-Ceramics. Porous ceramics.

Alberto Ortona
Hybrid materials. Ceramics. Additive manufacturing.

Enrico Negro
Development of functional materials for electrochemical energy conversion and storage devices (fuel cells, secondary batteries, redox flow batteries): synthesis, characterization, tests in prototypes.

Monica Dettin
Design of biomaterials. Covalent functionalization of metallic, ceramic, polymeric materials with synthetic peptides to promote cell interaction.

Andrea Bagno
Biomaterials and biological tissues characterization; biological heart valves; hybrid membranes; total artificial heart. Phonocardiography. Microcirculation analysis by LDF.

Paolo Sgarbossa
Synthesis and characterization of organometallic compounds for catalysis and biological applications. Synthesis of nanomaterials and nanocomposites. Synthesis of ion conductiong polymers for electrochemical applications.

Giovanni Lucchetta
Injection molding of post-consumer recycled plastics. Micro injection molding of micro-structured functional surfaces. Digital manufacturing of polymeric materials. Advanced molding technologies for reinforced plastics.

Silvia Todros
Experimental analysis of the mechanical properties of biomaterials and biological tissues. Computational modelling of biological tissues and structures. Hydrogels for tissue engineering.

Lucia Nicola
Computational (multiscale-)modeling of the mechanical behavior of materials, with main focus on metal plasticity and contact mechanics.

Stefano Corradetti
Production and characterization of porous ceramics for nuclear applications.

Angelo Simone
Computational mechanics. Multiscale and multiphysics modeling. Generalized finite element method. Fracture and damage mechanics of quasi-brittle materials. Batteries. Composite materials.

Stefania Bruschi
Development of sustainable manufacturing processes applied to difficult-to-form and difficult-to-cut materials.

Irene Calliari
Phase transformation of stainless steel, heat treatment by pulsed and continuous current.

Enrico Bernardo
Upcycling of inorganic waste into valuable glass-based materials. Development of silicate bioceramics from novel raw materials and novel processing.

Piero Pavan
Computational biomechanics. Mechanical characterization of soft tissues by means of experimental and computational methods. Muscular tissue mechanics.

Roberta Bertani
Preparation and characterization of organometallic compounds and functional materials for catalysis and biological applications. Synthesis of multifunctional nanocomposites. Biomasses valorization.

Giorgia Franchin
Additive manufacturing of ceramics. Novel feedstocks: geopolymers, preceramic polymers, sol-gel route. Hybrid and multimaterial technologies.

Monica Fabrizio
Integration of ceramic materials in RES devices

Emanuele Luigi Carniel
Mechanics of biological tissues and structures for in silico medicine