For general information, please contact the secretariat ( For specific information, please refer to the contact person of your curriculum.
Andrea Claudio Santomaso
Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Luigi Alberti
Electrical Engineering
Anna Stoppato
Energy Engineering
Paolo Sgarbossa
Materials Engineering
Mauro Ricotta
Mechanical Engineering
Each PhD student has a research budget available to cover the expenses relevant to the PhD studies.
Each student must: 1) at the beginning of each course year, prepare a Training Plan in which they describe the proposed research and training activities for the incoming year; 2) in the last part of each course year, submit a report (Annual Report) and short video on the activities carried out during that year; 3) in the last part of each course year, give an oral presentation of their work; 4) at the end of the third year, submit a report (Final Report) on the activities carried out during their PhD and submit their thesis.
Reporting deadlines
The reporting activities must be carried out according to the schedule provided by the secretariat and using the forms listed below. The dates below are tentative and refer to students enrolled on October 1st (standard call). Different deadlines may apply to students enrolled on different dates. The student will receive an instructions email approximately one month before each reporting deadline.
Training Plan
- Submission of the individual Training Plan by the PhD student, to be approved by the Board of Supervisors (Collegio Docenti). The Training Plan is prepared by the PhD student under the guidance of the Supervisor. The document must be uploaded in the Moodle platform of the PhD school (instructions will be provided by the secretariat).
- The document must be updated each year.
- In the first year plan, the names of the suggested Supervisor and Co-Supervisor(s) must be declared.
Annual Report
- Submission of the individual Annual Report, to be approved by the Executive Committee (Consiglio Direttivo). The report must be written in English. The document, together with the other supporting documents requested, must be uploaded in the Moodle platform of the PhD school (instructions will be provided by the secretariat).
- STARTING FROM XXXVII COHORT: Short video presentation (max 3 min) in the form of mini interview of the work carried out during the year.
- Approval of the reported activities is a requirement for admission to the following academic year (1st and 2nd year students) and for being allowed to submit the thesis for evaluation by the external reviewers (3rd year students).
Public Presentation
- a slide with the agenda of the presentation;
- a slide with the Gantt chart of the research plan for the entire 3-year period;
- a slide with a detailed Gantt chart of the research plan for the upcoming year;
- a slide documenting the results of the research (e.g., papers, patents, etc.).
Final Report (3rd year)
- Submission of the Final Report (3rd year students), to be approved by the Board of Supervisors (Collegio Docenti).
- The deadline of September 6th is for the students that have started their PhD program on October 1st and have not been granted any extensions. All the other students must submit the final report around one month before Thesis submission and will receive an email from the secretariat with the specific deadline.
Thesis Submission (3rd year)
- Online submission of thesis for evaluation by the external reviewers (3rd year students). Detailed instructions will be given by the secretariat.
- The thesis can be written either in English or Italian. The abstract of the thesis must be in English only.
- A LaTeX template is provided at the button below. It is not mandatory to use such a template.
- To download the template, click on the button below, then on the top left corner click on “Menu” and then “Source”.
Note: each student, before traveling (mission), must fill an online form to formally request the permission to leave. It is absolutely forbidden to leave without having submitted the request for permission to travel. The authorization to travel must always be requested before departure, even if no reimbursement is due. Authorization is requested through the web application accessible from your personal SIT page (link below). Additional travel authorizations may be requested in some cases (see below). After the completion of the mission, to request reimbursement of expenses, the students must provide the original copy of the receipt for each claim (for air travel, the original copy of the boarding card must be provided as well).
Basic Travel Authorization
For Everyone
- Online submission (SIT page) of the travel authorization request (see “Missions Instructions”) for any travelling activity outside of UNIPD for study or research. This is an important requirement for insurance purposes; refund of expenses will be refused in absence of this request before departure. Travelling using a private or rented car must be justified exhaustively. For details see “Missions Regulation”.
- Within the online submission of the travel authorization request, a PhD student may ask for the emission of a credit card that he/she can use for the advance payment of conference/course fees. The credit card will be issued after authorization.
- If the conference/course fees are due by bank transfer, the PhD student must open (after the online authorization) a ticket in section “SERVIZI CONTABILI:3 Missioni” at and upload a pdf file including the payment instructions as available in the conference/course website (no form is to be filled/signed: only the payment instructions are needed). In this case, the online submission of the travel authorization request must be done at least one month before departure.
- To attend virtual conferences/courses, you must not request the authorization through the SIT page (see below for instructions).
Additional Travel Authorization
For Periods of 20 days or more (15 days or more – from 38th cohort)
- For periods outside UNIPD (either in Italy or abroad) for more than 20 days (15 days – from the 38th cohort), an additional authorization is required.
- The form must be sent to the Secreteriat, the Supervisor and the Contact Person of the Curriculum.
2nd Additional Travel Authorization
For Periods ABROAD of 20 days or more (15 days or more – from 38th cohort)
- For periods ABROAD for 20 days or more (15 days or more – from 38th cohort), an additional form is required. This will also allow for a 50% increase of the scholarship money for the period abroad (not applicable to students with no scholarship – studenti senza borsa).
- The form must be sent to the Secreteriat, the Supervisor and the Contact Person of the Curriculum (along with the Additional Travel Authorization form). The Secreteriat will return the form signed by the Coordinator. The signed form must be sent to the PhD office ( by the student before departure.
- Upon arrival: students that requested the 50% increase in wage must send to the PhD office ( a formal letter of the host institution (a letter from the professor/laboratory head that is hosting you is enough) stating the start of the research activity abroad.
- Before returning to Italy: students (ALL students, independently on the type of grant they have) that spend more than 15/20 days ABROAD based on their PhD cycle (even if they do not request the 50% increase in wage) need to obtain, before returning to Italy, a formal letter from the host institution stating clearly the period that they spent there (a letter from the professor/laboratory head that is hosting you is enough). The letter must be sent to the PhD office (
After traveling
For everyone
- Once returned from your travel, you must submit your reimbursement claim following the same procedure online (in your personal SIT page), uploading also a scan of all receipts and travel documents.
- The ORIGINAL copies of all the documents must be given to: “Settore Contabilità e Acquisti – DII (Sede G)”.
- If you are returning from abroad, do not forget to send the final letter from the host institution to the PhD office (see above).
Virtual Conferences/Courses
For attendance of virtual conference/courses, no travel authorization is needed; ONLY in this case, a form must be used to request advanced payment of conference/course fees.
Teaching, tutoring and external activities are subject to authorization. The PhD students must submit a request for authorization to be approved by the Executive Committee (Consiglio Direttivo) of the PhD school.